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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

Post  Zared Thu 11 Sep 2014, 9:38 pm

I'm looking for a little help with Slovak walking out uniforms. I recently received some illustrations from a friend which seem to show the tunic as what can only be described as a prune/brownish colour. Just wondering if any one might know a little more about this?


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Re: Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

Post  Zared Thu 11 Sep 2014, 9:52 pm


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Re: Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

Post  Animal Fri 12 Sep 2014, 2:40 pm

The Slovaks continued wearing Czechoslovak uniforms with new insignia.


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Slovakian Ranks

Post  wfrad Mon 15 Sep 2014, 2:55 am

The Slovakian ranks changed during 1940 to those that are generally illustrated.  An example would be the generals rank, this was changed to gold rods, vertical with horizontal wavy rods behind and one or two silver stars denoting grade.
The source has several photographs showing this insignia, although there appears to be one or two variations regarding the shape of the collar patches.
Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Slovak11

Last edited by wfrad on Tue 26 Jul 2022, 7:36 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : removed photobucket)


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Re: Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

Post  Zared Mon 15 Sep 2014, 7:56 pm

Thanks, that's really useful, I didn't know that they changed some of their ranks in 1940.


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Slovakian Ranks 1940

Post  wfrad Fri 19 Sep 2014, 3:54 am

As far as I understand it, the ranks that I've coloured in red in the chart didn't officially exist, but were still in use.
Military ranks of Slovak Air Arms
From 14.3.1939 to 24.5.1939 military ranks were the same as the original Czechoslovak army:
Vojín...........................................Private ….............................................Flieger
Desátník.................................... Corporal.............................................. Obergefreiter
Četař (čet.)................................ Sergeant …..........................................Unteroffizier
Rotný.........................................Staff Sergeant...................................... Unterfeldwebel
Rotmistr …............................... First Sergeant...................................... Feldwebel
Štábní rotmistr..........................    Master Sergeant …............................. Stabsfeldwebel
Praporčík.................................... Regimental Sergeant Major................ ...Fähnrich
Štábní praporčík........................ Regimental Staff Sergeant Major.............. Stabsfähnrich
Podporučík................................ Sub Lieutenant..................................... Unterleutnant
Poručík …................................ Lieutenant............................................ Leutnant
Nadporučík................................ First Lieutenant ….................................Oberleutnant
Kapitán...................................... Captain …...........................................Hauptmann
Štábní kapitán............................ Staff Captain......................................Stabshauptmann
Major........................................ Major …............................................. Major
Podplukovník........................... Lieutenant Colonel.................................Oberstleutnant
Plukovník.................................. Colonel …................................. ..........Oberst
Brigádní generál...................... General of Brigade..................................Generalleutnant
Divizní generál ….................. General of Division …................................ Generaloberst
Armádní generár...................... General of Army............................ ..... .Generalfeldmarschall

Since 15.10.1940 were in effect new military ranks:
Strelník …..........................…... Private …............                Flieger
Slobodník.................................Private 1st class …............ Gefreiter
Desiatnik................................. Corporal …............ ..........Obergefreiter
Čatník.................................. Sergeant …..................... Unteroffizier
Rotník....................... ...........Staff Sergeant …........... ...Unterfeldwebel
Zástavník …........................... Sergeant Major................. Feldwebel
Dôstojnícky zástupca …............ Warrant Officer …....... .....Oberfeldwebel
Poručík...................... ...........Second Lieutenant …........ Leutnant
Nadporučík...................... ......First Lieutenant …..... .......Oberleutnant
Stotník........................... .......Captain................ ...........Hauptmann.
Major............................ .........Major …......... .................Major
Podplukovník..................   ......Lieutenant Colonel …...........Oberstleutnant
Plukovník................... .............Colonel …..................... ...Oberst
Generál II. Triedy..................... Lieutenant General …..........GeneralMajor(Gen.Maj.)
Generál I. Triedy ….................... General ….......................General Leutnant (Gen.Lt.)

From the 15.10.1940 čatár didn't officially exist, but it was common because there was no suitable equivalent. The old rank of čatár was not an NCO but the new rank of čatník was.
It was similar with the whole group of old rotmajster ranks (rotmajster non-commissioned officers).
Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Slovak10

Last edited by wfrad on Tue 26 Jul 2022, 7:34 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : replaced photobucket)


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Re: Slovakian Uniforms of WW2

Post  Zared Tue 23 Sep 2014, 2:06 am

Thank you so much. I have actually been trying to translate some of those ranks, unsuccessfully, and what you have provided helps me out a lot.


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Slovakian Uniforms of WW2 Empty Translations

Post  wfrad Tue 23 Sep 2014, 9:18 am

I pleased that it was of use to you.
I've tried to find the nearest translation but many non-English ranks don't translate into English.
For example rank may be associated with the task or pay grade given, such as platoon or section leader and then given the English/American rank equivalent of corporal and lieutenant.
If you take a look at the NATO chart ranks it may give some idea of the problem doing this, since different nations don't have the same rank structure it leaves gaps within the pay structure which in turn makes for no direct equivalent.
For example leaving out private, the German army has around twelve ranks in the pay scale OR-1 to OR-9. Within the same banding the UK has eight, the US has twelve, Bulgaria six, Norway five and Canada has ten with more Warrant Officer ranks than junior ranks with four alone in the OR-9 grade.
As an after thought Italy has around fourteen NCO ranks with four grades of OR-4 Coparale.


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